1693 Skills Programme: Glass Painting Training for Children  

Vadodara, July 2024: The Don Bosco Development Society (DBDS), Vadodara organized two Glass Painting Trainings for a batch of 12 girls and 13 boys from slums of Vadodara under the aegis of project supported by MIX FOR KIDS e.V (Germany).

 Ms Manshi Yadav was the resource person. She took two sessions, whose details are as follows:

Children used material such as glass colour, fevicol, paint, big and small brush, used bottles   etc to make the above mentioned items. The process of art and paint work involving Outliner Bottle Work and Bottle Work begins with selecting a clean, dry bottle as the canvas. Outliner Bottle Work involves using a special outliner paint to create intricate designs or patterns on the bottle's surface, often adding texture and depth. Once the outline is dry, the design is filled with vibrant colors or embellishments, enhancing the visual appeal.